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Payne, Train, & Gain, LLC | Orlando, FL

Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling like, “I’m not a bad person, but I’m so overwhelmed, I need to do some bad things.”

And then you give in, and you’re halfway through a bottle of wine with Cheeto fingerprints on it, and you’re feeling far less than a 10.

How did you get here? You were doing so good the last few weeks?

It was that big commission check you received a few weeks ago, wasn’t it? You’ve stopped your behaviors…

Hey, it happens to all of us some time or another, but if you don’t learn from it, the roller coaster pattern of production can be your one-trick pony and that’s exhausting for you and everyone involved.

What do you do to stay on track? To be consistent, no matter what?

It’s not easy, I’m not saying that, but what is possible is changing how you orient to developing business, the work you need to do to keep your pipeline full, and the buyers you’re contacting. In changing how you orient to these things, it will change your action.

While there are many tools that can help you stay on track, the least sexy but most powerful is the A/B Journal. The A stands for Attitude, the B stands for Behavior. Each day you log the required attitude and behavior for completing your daily tasks, projects, or outreach and follow up.

This is the most powerful tool for staying on track because as you bring awareness to what you’re doing, at the beginning of the day, and at the end of the day, you start to see how you’re creating your own success or your own failure. Then you can make a choice – keep doing what’s working or change it, and stop doing what’s not working.

If you can make the commitment to yourself to log your behaviors in the morning and at the end of the work day, you develop an inner home of confidence as well as the outer manifestation of focus, improvement, and results that evoke earned pride and pleasing gratification for you.

Until next time, good selling.

Ryan Kwech

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